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Andrea Nutt Falce was born in 1981.  She began formal artistic training at age fourteen studying figure drawing at the University of the Arts, Philadelphia.  She earned a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art with a minor in Art History from The George Washington University at age nineteen.  Andrea is the recipient of a Presidential Art Scholarship Award. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with membership in the Golden Key and Phi Beta Kappa International Honor Societies.


Upon completion of studies in Washinton, D.C., Andrea moved to Florence, Italy to continue her training.  There, she lived and worked dedicating herself to the disciplined study of classical realism for nearly four years. Andrea earned an Atelier Certificate in Drawing and Painting from the Florence Acadmey of Art. She also contributed to the Florence Academy as a drawing instructor.


In 2005, the artist returned to the United States to open a private painting studio.  Since that time, she has lived and worked in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Puerto Rico, the Great Lakes Area, the Gulf and First Coasts.  She taught at Brenau University and has exhibited in notable galleries between the US and Europe.  Her work is featured in newspapers, magazines and books.  


Andrea currently resides with her husband and their four young children near Pensacola, Florida.  She paints by private commission, regularly contributes as an art writer for an international newspaper and has authored a collection of children's stories.  


Andrea Nutt Falce is inspired in landscape, portrait, figurative and sacred art. She sees art as a form of communion between persons: creator and viewer.  At its best, art may even become a communion between human beings-the minor creators and, the Creator Divine.  Andrea is devoted to the light with faith that true beauty is a living and uplifting gift!

"The Florence Acadmey of Art:
the first 25 years, 1991-2016"

Allison Malafronte

Life Site News
April 17, 2012

"Americans in Florence During the 20th Century"
Jeffrey Begeal

Garden & Gun Magazine
September 2007
Southern Masters: Andrea Nutt

The Post and Courier
"Best Bets in Art Openings"
September 2005
Charleston, SC USA


It's a Jungle Out There
A children's book,
written and illustrated by
Andrea N. Falce 

learn more at:




"Let Us In"

Spring 2021, Florence, Italy


"Autumn Exhibition" 

October 2017, Anazao Galleries, Jacksonville, FL USA


"Life Site News 15th Anniversary Gala"

Spring 2012, Herdon, VA USA


"Gems of the Grenning Gallery Holiday Exhibition"

Autumn 2007, Grenning Gallery, Sag Harbor, NY USA


"Florence Academy of Art Exhibition"

Summer 2007, Brigham Galleries Nantucket, MA USA


"Third Annual Florence Academy Alumni Exhibition"

Spring 2007, Corsini Stables, Florence, Italy


"Slow Art Exhibition"

Autumn 2006, Ann Long Fine Art, Atlanta, GA USA


"Water Exhibition"

Summer 2006, Brigham Galleries, Nantucket, MA USA


"Italian Group Show"

Summer 2006, Solomon Gallery, Dublin, Ireland


"Florence Acadmey Exhibition"

Spring 2006, W.H. Patterson, London, England


​"Second Annual Florence Academy Alumni Exhibition" 

Winter 2006, Corsini Family Stables, Florence, Italy


​"Andrea Nutt, Solo Painting Exhibition"

Summer 2005, Ann Long Fine Art Gallery, Charleston, SC USA


Created by Andrea Nutt Falce    

All Rights Reserved

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